Policy & Procedures

H-200.1 Reporting of Crimes

Authority Vice President of Finance and College Operations/CFO
Effective Date October 5, 2022
Revision Date
Reviewed Date
Related Policies
Related Forms, Policies, Procedures, Statute E-222 – Prohibition of Sexual Assault Under Title IX
H-222 – Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus
34 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 99.31(a)(13), (14) and 668.46(b)
Annual Security Report
Blackhawk Technical College Catalog
Campus Security Act of 1990
Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998

The College encourages prompt and accurate reporting of all crimes or suspicious behavior to local law enforcement, the Office of Campus Safety and Security, or a Campus Security Authority (CSA). The Clery Act defines a crime as “reported” when it is brought to the attention of a CSA or local law enforcement personnel by a victim, witness, other third party, or even the offender.



Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are responsible for Student and campus activities. CSAs have been designated for all College Premises. The Annual Security Report, published on the College website, provides a current list of positions identified as CSAs.



Security officers have the authority to ask persons for identification and to determine whether individuals have lawful business at the College. Security officers do not possess arrest power.  Criminal incidents are referred to the local law enforcement officers with jurisdiction on the campus. All crime victims and witnesses are strongly encouraged to immediately report the crime to the Office of Campus Safety and Security and the appropriate police agency. Prompt reporting will ensure timely warning notices on campus when appropriate and timely disclosure of crime statistics.



The College does not have procedures for voluntary, confidential crime statistics reporting; therefore, professional and pastoral counselors cannot notify their clients of that reporting option. Confidential crime reports can be made to Crime Stoppers at 608-756-3636 for Rock County or 800-422-7643 for Green County.



The Office of Campus Safety and Security maintains a highly professional relationship with local law enforcement agencies. Meetings may be held between the leaders of these agencies on both a formal and informal basis. The Office of Campus Safety and Security and local law enforcement agencies may communicate on the scene of incidents in and around the campus area. When incidents require joint investigative efforts, resources, crime-related reports, and information exchanges, the Office of Campus Safety and Security will work closely with local law enforcement agencies. A written memorandum of understanding exists between the Office of Campus Safety and Security and several local law enforcement agencies.



Campus Security authorities must immediately notify the Office of Campus Safety and Security of a reported crime. Campus Security is on duty during regular business hours at the Beloit-Janesville Campus. In response to a report, the Office of Campus Safety and Security will take the required action, either dispatching an officer or asking the victim to report to the Office of Campus Safety and Security to file an incident report. The College will investigate all reported crimes, which may become a matter of public record. All security reports involving Students are forwarded to the Executive Director of Student Services/CSSO for review and referral to the Office of Student Judicial Services for potential action, as appropriate. Security Officers will investigate a report when it is deemed appropriate. Additional information obtained via the investigation will be forwarded to the Executive Director of Student Services/CSSO if warranted. If assistance is required from local first responders, the Office of Campus Safety and Security will contact the appropriate agency. If a sexual assault or rape should occur, Employees on the scene will offer the victim a wide variety of services.