E-280 Sale and Solicitation on College Property
Authority | Vice President of Finance and College Operations/CFO |
Effective Date | December 17, 1980 |
Revision Date | August 31, 2022 |
Reviewed Date | March 19, 2008 |
Related Policies | |
Related Forms, Policies, Procedures, Statute |
E-270 – Code of Conduct for Visitors and Guests E-275 – Free Speech |
This Policy is intended to promote free speech, including the healthy and robust exchange of ideas on College Premises while preserving a safe, educational environment for all who visit and attend College-Sponsored Events or use the College’s services. The College may regulate commercial speech to a greater extent than non-commercial speech.
Commercial speech is any form of speech, expression, or activity primarily intended to market, sell, or promote goods and services on behalf of any person or entity not affiliated with a department or organization of the College. Soliciting for contributions or donations is included in the definition of commercial speech.
The College generally prohibits commercial speech activities on or in any premises owned, leased, or rented by the College. Persons or organizations wishing to engage in commercial speech activities on College Premises must be granted express written permission by the President/District Director or designee. In addition, and unless granted an exception at the discretion of the College, all approved commercial speech activities must occur during standard operating hours and may be further limited to certain locations on college campuses that will not interfere with or disrupt Student privacy, education, or the College’s normal educational and business functions.
Any commercial business desiring to sell products or services or any group (including non-profit organizations, community groups, and Employee groups) requesting to solicit donations or contributions on the College Premises shall submit a written request to the President/District Director or designee. This request should state the nature of the products/services to be sold or donations solicited and identify the duration of the sale/solicitation. Commercial applicants must also provide a sales tax number and other documents authorizing them to conduct business in Wisconsin and the County of Rock. Groups soliciting donations or contributions should provide their State of Wisconsin tax-exempt identification number.
Any action by the College that restricts commercial speech under this Policy shall be applied without discrimination toward the content of the expressed view (s). The College may, however, consider the effect of commercial activities on its campuses' safety and orderly operations when making determinations regarding approval or necessary restrictions.
This Policy is not intended to limit or prohibit the business activities of any vendor duly contracted by the College to do business on College Premises when such business resulted from a solicitation proposal circulated by the College. The College reserves the right to make exceptions under this Policy for the solicitation of charitable donations or contributions or sale of tickets, food, or products by Employees and Students when the donations, contributions, or sale proceeds support the College or fund-raising activities of non-profit organizations or charitable functions that have been pre-approved by the College, e.g., walk-a-thon sponsorships, children's fundraisers. Such solicitation and sales will be allowable, provided they do not interfere with the normal activities of the College.
For additional details regarding reasonable restrictions the College has placed on the use of its premises and for individuals or groups not associated with the College community, see Policy E-275 – Free Speech and Policy E-270 – Code of Conduct for Visitors and Guests.