Policy & Procedures

H-275 Public Assembly

Authority District Board
Effective Date January 17, 2017
Revision Date February 21, 2024
Reviewed Date
Related Policies
Related Forms, Policies, Procedures, Statute E-270 – Code Conduct for Visitors and Guests
E-275 – Free Speech
F-200 – Community Use of College Premises

The College recognizes the rights outlined in the First Amendment. College Premises are dedicated primarily to the academic, co-curricular, and administrative functions necessary to the College’s Mission. To accomplish this mission while recognizing First Amendment rights, the College will place reasonable, content-neutral limitations on the time, place, and way individuals can express ideas and assemble at College Premises.


The College is a non-public forum, except for areas designated as public forums for the exercise of expression by Students, Employees, Guests, and Visitors.


The College designates areas generally available to Students, Employees, Guests, and Visitors, including grassy areas, walkways, and other similar common areas as public forums for lawful Expressive Activities. These areas are chosen to provide visibility and allow communication to the College Community and others walking or traveling on College Premises so as not to disrupt the College's academic, co-curricular, and administrative responsibilities.


The College designates areas as non-public forums as necessary to prevent substantial disruption to its orderly operation. These areas include college offices, classrooms, storage areas, maintenance areas, locker rooms, and other areas not designated as forums for public communication by tradition or designation.


Based on the request, the College will designate space assigned as a limited public forum called the Public Assembly Area.


All Expressive Activities must comply with Policy E-275 – Free Speech, Policy E-270 – Code of Conduct for Visitors and Guests, and requests to utilize facilities for Public Assembly will comply with Policy F-200 – Community Use of College Premises.


When engaging in activities on College Premises, Students must follow all applicable college regulations, state and federal laws, and municipal ordinances. Failure to do so may result in immediate removal from College Premises and any other appropriate action by Employees or Campus Security.




For purposes of this Policy, the terms below are defined as follows:


Public Assembly – A gathering of persons to express, promote, pursue, or defend ideas.


Expressive Activity – Demonstrations, picketing, vigils, rallies, or performances. For purposes of this Policy, expressive activity does not include social, random, or other everyday communications.


Non-public Forum – Public property that has not, by tradition or designation, been opened as a public forum.


Public Assembly Area(s) – The specific indoor and outdoor portion(s) of College Premises designated by the College for Public Assembly and Expressive Activity.


Public Forum – A place with a long-standing tradition of being used for, is historically associated with, or has been dedicated by government act to the free exercise of the right to speech and public debate and assembly.