Policy & Procedures

E-270 Code of Conduct for Visitors and Guests

Authority President/District Director
Effective Date October 4, 2016
Revision Date February 7, 2024
Reviewed Date June 19, 2018
Related Policies
Related Forms, Policies, Procedures, Statute E-227 – Children at Blackhawk Technical College Facilities and Functions
E-275 – Free Speech
E-280 – Sale and Solicitation on College Property
J-975 – Student and Community Appeals and Complaints


The College's Code of Conduct for Visitors and Guests is designed to promote and preserve a safe environment for all who attend and participate in College-Sanctioned Events or use college services. Visitors and Guests are subject to federal and state laws, county and municipal ordinances, and applicable policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the College. Visitors and Guests are expected to act responsibly and respect the rights of the College Community regardless of age, ancestry, citizenship status, color, creed, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, genetic information, marital status, mental or physical disability, national origin, race, religious affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status and any other category protected by federal, state, or local law.



  • This Policy extends to all individuals who do not meet the definition of a member of the College Community.

  • Persons not officially enrolled in the College who violate their status as Visitors or Guests by their actions on campus are subject to disciplinary action by the College and/or law enforcement.

  • Certain criminal or civil offenses or other behavior may, by their very nature, pose a serious and substantial danger to the College Community. Violations of laws, ordinances, policies, rules, procedures, and regulations will subject the violator to appropriate criminal or civil action.

  • College jurisdiction regarding discipline under this Policy extends to conduct that occurs on College Premises or at off-campus College Sanctioned Events.

  • The President/District Director of the College authorizes the Office of Safety and Security to enforce this Policy, including the authority to issue no-trespass orders to college Visitors and Guests who have violated it.

  • Visitors and Guests whose behavior leads to dismissal from College Premises by Campus Security and Security may be required to meet specific requirements before regaining access to future College Sanctioned Events or other campus events.



Visitors and guests to the College have specific responsibilities while on College Premises or at College Sanctioned Events.

  • Visitors and Guests are responsible for complying with applicable college policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.

  • Visitors and Guests are responsible for acting in a manner that does not interfere with or disrupt the privacy or rights of the College Community or the College’s normal educational and business functions.

  • The College is a family-friendly institution that welcomes Children to participate in many programs and activities. The College recognizes that Visitors often need to bring Children (refer to E-227 – Children at Blackhawk Technical College Facilities and Functions) to the College Premises. Children must always be under the direct supervision of a parent, guardian, or adult. Visitors and Guests are expected to ensure their Children observe the Code of Conduct for Visitors and Guests.

  • Visitors and Guests will avoid behavior that disrupts the College Community.



When a Visitor or Guest engages in criminal behavior or when a Visitor or Guest fails to respond to a directive issued by campus security personnel, the Visitor or Guest shall be issued a written order or subsequently sent a Letter of No Trespass. The Visitor or Guest will be escorted from Campus Premises or the College Sanctioned Event, and the Letter of No Trespass will be sent to the appropriate law enforcement agency. A Letter of No Trespass shall be in effect for no less than one (1) year from the date it is issued or until rescinded.


The College reserves the right to take criminal or civil action against Visitors and Guests for misconduct not explicitly identified in this Policy.



Any Visitor or Guest who has been issued a Letter of No Trespass and wishes to return to any College Premises or attend any College-Sanctioned Event must first meet with the Director of Campus Safety, Security, and Risk Management (or designee) before the event. If the Letter of No Trespass is withdrawn, a withdrawal letter will be issued to the Visitor or Guest.



Any Visitor or Guest issued a Letter of No Trespass may appeal it to the Office of the Vice President of Finance and College Operations/CFO, who will finalize the Letter.



Appeal requests can be made following the Student and Community Appeals and Complaint process; see J-975 – Student and Community Appeals and Complaints. A Visitor or Guest may appeal based upon new evidence unknown or unknowable at the time of the investigation and the decision to issue the Letter of No Trespass.




Disruption – Includes, but is not limited to, the unauthorized entering or accessing of any college building, facility, property, employee work area, service, resource, or activity.


A Letter of No Trespass – An order given to a Visitor or Guest indicating they have violated a college policy or procedure and that they are prohibited from participating in a College Sanctioned Event or being present at College Facilities.


For additional details regarding the reasonable restrictions the College has placed on using its College Premises and relating to commercial activities on College Premises or at College Sanctioned Events, see Policy E-275 – Free Speech and Policy E-280 – Sale and Solicitation on College Property.