Policy & Procedures

D-280.1 Budget Transfers

Authority Vice President of Finance and College Operations/CFO
Effective Date April 19, 2000
Revision Date December 16, 2020
Reviewed Date
Related Policies
Related Forms, Policies, Procedures, Statute D-280.1F – Budget Transfer Form
D-280 – Budget Management and Transfers

Budget transfer authority is defined as follows:



Transfers between Fund Types and Functions and transfers to and from fund balances.

District Board

Transfers between salary/benefit accounts and non-salary/benefit accounts within the same fund and function.

President/District Director

Transfers from any wage classification to another wage classification or any current expense classification to another current expense classification within the same fund and function in excess of $5,000.

President/District Director

or Designee

Transfers from any wage classification to another wage classification or any current expense classification to another current expense classification within the same fund and function between $2,000 and $5,000.

Supervising Executive

Transfers from any wage classification to another wage classification or any current expense classification to another current expense classification within the same fund and function under $2,000.

Budget Manager

Budget transfers for externally funded grants shall be forwarded to the Budget and Grants Accountant to determine if the transfer is allowable. The Budget and Grants Accountant will approve all budget transfer requests for funded projects, thereby acknowledging that the transfer meets funding agency guidelines.


Budget managers shall control and limit spending to the approved budgeted amounts for their unit(s). The approved budget classification amount shall be considered the maximum spending level for that category, and expenditures should not exceed that amount. Budget managers are expected to routinely examine the budget status of each unit under their supervision and control spending to ensure that expenditures do not exceed approved budget classification amounts.

  • All Budget transfer requests shall be submitted electronically using Banner Journal Voucher procedures, except those transfers requiring Board approval and those transferring funds between salary/benefit accounts and non-salary/benefit accounts.

  • Budget transfer requests requiring District Board approval or transfer between salary/benefit accounts and non-salary/benefit accounts shall be submitted on the 280.1F – Budget Transfer Form. This form must fully describe the compelling and essential reason(s) for the transfer.

  • The Business Office will review all budget transfers for compliance with the above policies and be responsible for entering all budget transfers into the financial accounting system.