Policy & Procedures

J-320 Withholding of Student Records

Authority Executive Director of Student Services/CSSO
Effective Date January 13, 2021
Revision Date January 31, 2024
Reviewed Date
Related Policies
Related Forms, Policies, Procedures, Statute J-650 – Student Financial Obligation
D-370 – Tuition/Fee Payment
34 CFR 668.14(b)

The College may withhold grades, diplomas, and registration privileges from any Student or Former Student who fails to pay a proper financial obligation to the College. The College reserves the right to withhold student transcripts in whole or in part or other student documents until the outstanding financial obligation has been paid, except when prohibited under 34 CFR 668.14(b). The Student shall be given written notification and the opportunity to explain if the financial obligation is in error. 




Proper Financial Obligation – Shall include but is not limited to student fees; obligations incurred using facilities, equipment, or materials; library fines; unreturned library books; materials remaining improperly in the possession of the Student; and any other unpaid obligation a student or former Student owes to the College. A proper financial obligation does not include unpaid obligations to a student organization.