Policy & Procedures

J-950 Student Travel

Authority Executive Director of Student Services/CSSO
Effective Date January 16, 2008
Revision Date May 19, 2010
Reviewed Date
Related Policies
Related Forms, Policies, Procedures, Statute Student Travel Code of Conduct and Liability Form
J-850 – Student Code of Conduct

Extracurricular events may be sponsored or co-sponsored by the College student organizations. Students who participate in these events are expected to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the College regardless of whether the events are held on or off campus.  

  • Participants' behavior traveling to, from, or during the event should always reflect credit to the group/organization, school, and the individual.

  • At all times, participants should show respect and courtesy toward others.

  • Advisors must be present at all off-campus functions. Students are not allowed to attend conferences or other off-campus events without the presence of an advisor or other designated Employee pre-approved by the Student Services office.

  • All individuals (Students and Employees) attending off-campus functions must sign and have on file in the Student Life office the College Extracurricular Travel Liability Waiver form.

  • Each participant will always wear conference identification badges or College Student/Employee IDs.

  • Participants will dress appropriately for each situation (e.g., no jeans, T-shirts, sweats, etc., at formal get-togethers and banquets).

  • Participants must attend all business meetings, workshops, and other scheduled event programs. Please be prompt and prepared for sessions.

  • Participants must report accidents, injuries, or illnesses immediately to the advisor or head delegate.

  • Alcoholic beverage consumption is not allowed at any conference-related functions. Alcohol consumption outside of conference sessions is allowed only at the advisor's discretion and must adhere to all local, state, and national laws.

  • The use and possession of illegal drugs, handguns, or weapons are not allowed.

  • Participants responsible for theft and vandalism to properties during the event will be held financially liable and subject to disciplinary action.

  • Any long-distance telephone calls, room charges, or other personal expenses are the individual participant's responsibility and cannot be reimbursed using college funds.

  • The advisor(s) to the student organization or group participating in the extracurricular travel who accompanies the group shall have total authority over supervising the event and its participants. 

  • Participants who disregard or violate these rules may be subject to disciplinary action through the Student Code of Conduct and any disciplinary actions acted upon by local, state, or national law enforcement officials.